Channel: Enkidu rankX
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“black float” by K|X – new music video clip


A retro-punk-glitch-art music video clip by Killisch and rankX

black float

"black float” is a collaboration, a back and forth between Berlin artists Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX.
Starting with a guitar track provided by Killisch, rankX built a beat around it, resampled and restructured it. Then this same process began anew. Killisch would play additional guitar on the track, X would resample and rearrange. Finally with the finished track in mind, K provided a painting / collage that in turn was the aesthetical basis for the video-clip. As opposed to the music, the visual art remained separate, more to be seen as both sides of a mirror.
The city of London was chose for a very particular reason, since K. K. as well as r.X draw a great deal of inspiration from pop music, more precisely the era of classic rock-pop-blues-funk-soul-electronic-avant-garde. So to honour this vibrant city and all the creative greatness it bestowed upon us, here is:

black float by K|X

"black float" by Klaus Killisch

“black float” by Klaus Killisch

painting | collage | guitar: كلاوس Killisch
الفيديو الفن | electronics: إنكيدو rankX

“black float” features “Real-time Cycle Ride Through Central London” by Nick Lansley und CC-BY. Thanks for that perfect ride.
london landscape tv – www.youtube.com/user/lltv

CC by-nc-sa 2016 www.klaus-killisch.de | www.enkidu-rankx.de

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